Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Tuesdays are our weekly staff meeting days. On the 5th Tuesday (when there is one), we plan something out of the ordinary that provides a time to get to know each other outside of our jobs and do a little team building. It ALWAYS involves food! This past 5th Tuesday was planned by one of the youth pastors and fortunately did not involve slime, blindfolds, or disgusting things to eat. Instead, after a great potluck meal of soups, salads, and desserts, we headed outdoors to go geo-caching.

For those who don't know what geo-caching is, it involves a hand held GPS unit and coordinates downloaded from a website. You set the coordinates and follow the unit to some hidden "cache" or "treasure". There are various difficulty levels and a whole set of terminology that is associated with this hobby. We were divided up into 3 teams and were each given a list of "finds". We worked at level 1 although one of our finds was a 2 step process...and involved math. Aside from the math, it was a fun outing.

What has been revealed during past 5th Tuesday activities and was reinforced through this one is that SOME people on our staff are intensively COMPETITIVE. From the beginning of this event, it was declared NOT a COMPETITION but some people just can't grasp that concept...

Let it be said that this is not my team and they are not number one because this was not a competition. However........ MY TEAM ROCKED!!!!

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