I was just curious. It seemed that they multiplied. I found them at the back door, under the office desk, in her closet, in my closet, and a few in the car! So I just had to know...how many flip flops do we own?
Now I used the word "we" so I must confess that this is a combined collection. The Princess and I wear the same size shoe so we operate under the "what's mine is yours" philosophy. The reality is that I paid for them all and the ones I want to wear are usually "gone" when I go to look for them. It's come down to me "calling" the shoe the night before I plan to wear it. This works well for me because I'm the only one of us who plans what to wear the night before!
So, I gathered them up and took the picture. There wasn't as many as I thought there might be. I counted 20 pair (or is it pairs) but I forgot about the 2 pair left in the abandoned swim bag and, of course, the ones The Princess was wearing. So that brings us up to 23...unless of course there are some hiding in the trunk of the car!
The Princess and I are doing a Bible study together from the book, Idol Girls, by Hayley DiMarco and one of the questions in the introduction is, "What is your biggest obsession?" The author goes on to define an obsession as "something that fills your mind and demands you give it attention". I don't think the flip flops collection has reached "obsession" level yet... but we might be on our way.
So, what's your greatest obsession?
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